A fitting memorial bracelet.
Dear HeroBracelets.org
I want to thank you for our memorial HeroBracelets. I lead a youth group at our church and during one of our meetings a few weeks back, one of the kids was wearing one of your memorial bracelets in the name of a Marine from Kansas. We all talked about the war. Some of the kids believed in it, some did not. But what they all agreed on is that the men and women in the military deserved our respect and admiration. We all decided to get random memorial bracelets from your website and wear them to show our respect to those who have given their lives. You shipped us 24 memorial bracelets and we all wear then with pride. I must say I'm proud of these kids. They are all middle school age and it's wonderful to see them truly thinking this through and talking about it. These are not shallow, flighty kids. They all wear their memorial bracelets with honor and understand the symbolism behind the bracelets.
We all feel good that this organization is supporting the Fallen Heroes Fund as well. We all looked at the site one night and talked about the Fallen Heroes Center in San Antonio and what it's doing for those who have been injured. Thank you for making this possible.
Jason Miles, Portland, Ore