Great Military Support Organizations

Great list of support organizations.

AAFES Gift Certificates

The Army and Air Force Exchange Services is where most servicemen and women do their shopping. You can purchase gift certificates for those in Iraq and those hospitalized.

Adopt a Platoon

Adopt a Platoon has several ongoing projects to ensure that every soldier overseas does not walk away from mail call empty-handed.

"America Supports You" Program (U.S. Department of Defense)

Showcases community activities and projects so the American public and the U.S. military serving at home and overseas will know firsthand how much the American people appreciate their service and sacrifice. Americans are invited to share their troop-support activities online. Everyone who shares their story will receive a dog tag with the "America Supports You" logo, while supplies last.


Any Soldier is a non-profit organization that helps people send care packages to members of the armed services in Iraq.



AOL users can record up to a 3-minute voice mail and send it to military personnel who are in their Address Book. The recipient will receive the message as an e-mail attachment and can listen from their computer. This is free through January 15.

Appreciate Our Troops

Purchase a Support Our Troops mug and a free personalized mug will be given to a current or former service member.

Blue Star Banner (American Legion)

A Blue Star Service Banner displayed in the window of a home is an American tradition. The banner lets others know that someone in the home is proudly serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. As Americans do their best to support Operation Iraqi Freedom and the ongoing war on terror, the Blue Star Service Banner tradition reminds us all that war touches every neighborhood in our land. Call 1-888-453-4466. Most Emblem Sales merchandise can be ordered 24-hours-a-day via the Internet.

Blue Star Mothers

The Blue Star Mothers was founded by service members' moms during World War II. Any mother with a son or daughter in the military can join.

Books For Soldiers

Help the troops escape boredom by donating some books. You can also donate DVDs and CDs requested by soldiers.

Camp Doha

Camp Doha provides valuable information for those about to deploy, their friends and families and anyone who wants to support the troops.

Cell Phones for Soldiers

Donated cell phones are recycled and turned into cash. The cash is used to purchase calling cards for soldiers in Iraq.

Defend America

Thank any service member stationed throughout the U.S. and the world with an e-mail.

Fisher House

The Fisher House Foundation donates comfort homes, built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers. These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one during hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury.

Freedom Calls Foundation (Raytheon)

The Freedom Calls Foundation enables our troops to communicate free of charge from their base camps with their families at home by internet telephone, instant messaging and video conference. You can donate money to help keep this project going.

Groceries for Families

The men and women who lay down their lives for us are terribly underpaid. Help a family by purchasing gift certificates to the commissary.


Gives out service members' names to the general public, but only if the member gives permission. Go onl;ine at the site above, or write or call Homefront Headquarters, Attention: C Bender, PO Box 307, Bryn Mawr California 92318, (909) 862-6280.

Homes for Our Troops

Homes for Our Troops assists injured veterans and their immediate families by building new or adapting existing homes with handicapped accessibility.

Hugs From Home

Hugs From Home is an internet organization that supports deployed soldiers. Supported soldiers are currently stationed in Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Germany, Japan and Asia. The mission is too see that no soldier is left standing at mail call with empty hands. It does not matter where they are stationed, so long as they are deployed.

Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund

The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund provides grants to the families of servicemen and women who died in Iraq. You can donate online, through mail or by calling a toll-free number or by purchasing a HeroBracelet.

Military Moms

This site provides support to all of the moms out there who has a son or daughter in the military.

My Soldier

Shows support for troops by establishing pen-pal relationships with them. When a person enrolls in the My Soldier program, they agree to adopt a soldier. They receive a "starter kit" containing a red My Soldier bracelet to publicly show their support for American troops and guidelines for writing letters to their deployed United States Armed Service person. Participants may also choose to send care packages, which are greatly appreciated (but not expected) by the soldiers. The program is free, but donations are accepted.

Operation: A Bit of Home

Operation: A Bit of Home supports over 150 different soldiers per day by providing necessary and hard-to-get toiletries.

Operation Air Conditioner

Operation Air Conditioner provides not only air conditioners but space heaters (the desert is cold in the winter) for soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Operation Call Home

Operation Call Home's mission is to provide each platoon with their own satellite phone.

Operation Dear Abby

The U.S. Navy and Dear Abby have teamed up. Their site allows you to send e-mail messages of support to service members.

Operation Give

Operation Give provides toys, clothing and school supplies primarily to the children of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Operation Gratitude

Seeks to lift troops' morale, and bring a smile to their faces by sending Care Packages to service members overseas. Checks can be sent to Operation Gratitude, 16444 Refugio Road, Encino, California 91436, or via credit card online.

Operation Hero Miles

You can donate your unused frequent flier miles to help soldiers travel on emergency leave. They are also used to help families fly to hospitalized soldiers.

Operation Interdependence

Operation Interdependence supplies care packages to deployed soldiers. You can help out by providing goods, coordinating efforts or donating funds.

Operation Iraqi Children

Many soldiers are rebuilding schools in Iraq and scrounging around for school supplies. Help by donating a school supplies kit.

Operation Military Pride

Operation Military Pride is a volunteer organization that sends cards letters and care packages to troops.

Operation Shoebox

Gives out service members' names to the general public, but only if the member gives permission. Visit them online, write Operation ShoeBox, P.O. Box 1465, Belleview, FL 34421, or e-mail them at

Operation Support Our Troops

Has sent about 118 tons worth about $2.7 million, "one box at time", according to its founder Mary Kay Salomone. For the holidays, she and her 500 "angels" around the country are sending close to 2,000 Christmas and Hanukkah boxes. They can be contacted at Operation Support Our Troops, 325 Laurel Ridge Lane, North Kingstown, RI 02852.

Operation Tribute to Freedom

Send your "Welcome Home and Thank You" message to U.S. troops supporting the global war on terrorism.

If you are one of the thousands of Americans who have flown a flag, attended a rally, helped organize a parade, emailed a thank you, or attended a homecoming for a member of America's military forces, let us know. By doing so, you will officially become part of America's nationwide Tribute to Freedom.

Just fill in the information at In recognition of your efforts, and as a token of our deep appreciation, you may print out - and proudly display - your own official Operation Tribute to Freedom Certificate.

Operation Uplink (Veterans of Foreign Wars)

Donate money to Operation Uplink. The money is used to purchase phone cards so servicemen and women can call home.

Soldiers™ Angels

Become some soldier's angel by adopting a service member.

Treats for Troops

Treats for Troops helps get you provide packages to your loved ones overseas. If you don't know anyone, the Foster-A-Soldier Program matches you with a registered soldier by branch of service, home state, gender, or birthday - or you can choose to sponsor a group of soldiers.

USO Cares

You can sponsor care packages provided by the USO with a $25 donation.

Voices from Home

Voices From Home allows military members and their families and friends to send and receive immediate voice e-mail messages in remote locations around the world.

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