My Hero. My Daughter. EMFN Amber Latricia Winbourne
My name is Michelle Hollis. I lost my only daughter on April 3, 2009. She was in the Navy deployed on the USS Theodore Roosevelt as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. She passed away 2 weeks before due to come home while the ship was in the English Channel. She left a 2 y.o son. Her name is Amber L. Winbourne. She was 23 y.o. and my absolute joy. Losing a child changes you forever and the one of the hardest things to do is to figure out how to continue to live with the change in yourself, with the big empty space that nothing or no one else can fill.
Thank you for your consideration.
In remembrance of: EMFN Amber Latricia Winbourne Sept. 8, 1985-April 3, 2009 US Navy
Amber's Mama: Michelle Hol