My Hero. My Son. SGT James R. Graham III

Tags: HeroStories

I am the mother of USMC SGT JAMES R. GRAHAM III, who gave his life in Iraq on August 1, 2005, fighting for our freedom.  We knew from 9/11 that he would eventually leave us to fight, he was chomping at the bit to go.  We never discouraged his want, even though her would leave behind not only his father & I, but his wife and two sons.  He felt it was his duty to make sure they grew up in a land where you didn't have to worry about terrorists.  He left in January 2005, and promised me he would come back.  I promised him to take care of his family until he came home.  He made Sgt July 1, 2005, in Iraq, and we were the proudest parents alive.  He was six weeks from coming home, when a suicide bomber took his life.  We have lived each day since, the way we felt he would have wanted, and every breath we take is in his honor.

Katrina Graham



4/15/80 - 8/1/05

"Never let your fears stand in the way of your drea