Hero Stories for Army Bracelets

Our hero, Cpl. Jimmy L. Shelton

Our hero is Cpl. Jimmy L. Shelton. Jimmy was KIA in FOB Summerall, Bayji Iraq 12/3/05. He joined the Army to go get the bad guys. He believed he could make a difference....and he did. Jimmy was a genuine person with so many friends. He was the type of friend that was always there. He was the kind of son that made us so very proud of him. He was always making us laugh. At his graduation he wore under his gown the Garfield pajamas that he made in home-ec. He also learned how to make th...


My son, my hero. SFC Collin J. Bowen

My son was SFC Collin J. Bowen. He was injured on 1/2/08 and died of his injuries on 3/14/08. He was the toughest kid I know. He loved the military. He only had some 22 days left in country when a friend fo his asked if he would drive the Humvee on another mission. Collin's character was such that he couldn't say no. The mission was completed and they had stop just over 2 miles from the base to celebrate the completed successful mission. They were sitting in the vehicle smoking cuban cigars w...


My hero is Kevin F. Sheehan

Hello my hero is Kevin F. Sheehan When i hear the name Kevin I think Friend Uncle great fathers and hero. He was my hero long before the dreadful day. He was 11 years older then me and i always looked up to him I remember one time when i was about 9 years old we went to my uncles camp in Vermont with my Dad brother John aunt Heather and uncle Kevin it was still really cold out but the boys were going to take a Bath in the pond seeing them in there i of course had to go to. I went in the cold...


Our Hero is Pastor Jan Koczera

Dear Sir: Our Hero is Pastor. Jan Koczera. He is our Assistant Pastor at the First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square, NJ and a Chaplain in the NJ National Guard. He is currently stationed at Fort Bliss TX and will be deployed to Iraq in September. This is his second tour of duty in Iraq. He has given our congregation so much in the way of leadership, sermons and outreach ministries that we chose the Hero Bracelets as a way to honor him for his service to us and our country. Th...


My hero, PFC Robert Eaton

My hero is currently serving in South Korea at Camp Redcloud his name is PFC Robert Eaton he is my oldest son and is 21 years old.This is my favorite picture of him it is when he graduated boot camp. Hes the one in the midd


My father, My hero.

My hero is my father George Stephens. As a young guy of 18 right out of High School he joined the United States Army Air Corp and was trained as an aerial gunner in heavy and medium bombers eventually doing duty in A-20 Havocs and A-26 Invaders. He was of the generation that fought the dictators of the world as much for American freedom and values as to defend the freedoms and independence of peoples around the world who were in danger of losing theirs. He grew up in the Great Depression in r...


Odierno Tells Senate U.S. Military Headed in Right Direction in Iraq

Odierno Tells Senate U.S. Military Headed in Right Direction in Iraq By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, May 22, 2008 – The United States “is not out of the woods yet” in Iraq, but the nation is headed in the right direction, the man nominated to be the next Multinational Force Iraq commander said today. Army Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he would not take the job “if I didn't think that we could be successful” in Iraq. Odierno...


Comrades, Loved Ones Provide Reminders of Memorial Day’s Meaning

Comrades, Loved Ones Provide Reminders of Memorial Day’s Meaning By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, May 23, 2008 – To many Americans, Memorial Day means a day off from work with parades, pool openings and barbecues. But for those who have lost a comrade or loved one in combat, the day takes on a whole new significance. Here are some of their stories. A mass grave marker at Arlington National Cemetery honors the 12 soldiers killed when their UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter wa...


Commentary: So Which One is Memorial Day?

Commentary: So Which One is Memorial Day? By Army Sgt. Jerome Bishop Special to American Forces Press Service CAMP LIBERTY, Iraq, May 23, 2008 – Not long ago while I was sitting at my desk at work, a fellow soldier presented an interesting question, not because of what it was, but because of why he asked it. "So what's Memorial Day, again?" the soldier asked. This kind of disturbed me. As it turns out, the confusion came from the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. While both ar...


Some good news from Iraq.

HABBANIYAH, Iraq, May 23, 2008 – Habbaniyah Mayor Hussein Ali Hussein, city council members and directors-general celebrated the groundbreaking of the Habbaniyah Government Center in Iraq’s Anbar province May 21. The center, in the Khalidiyah neighborhood west of Camp Habbaniyah, is centrally located to address the demands of people from Husaybah east to Fallujah. "This is a step in the right direction -- a place for people to go if they need help from their government," Hussein said. "We are...