Hero Stories for Army Bracelets

Brians Journey Back.

Kirby, the loving 10-year-old border collie-Labrador, licked Army Sgt. Brian Radke's reconstructed right hand, the one with the missing index finger. Maybe dog saliva will help, Radke said Tuesday. After 71 surgeries over 26 months, the wounded soldier and former Vancouver high school football hero is home in Hazel Dell for Christmas and doing well. He walks with a limp but talks straight, spreading gratitude, compassion and good humor, despite five pieces of shrapnel still floating in his br...


More Fisher House news.

The Fisher House at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base kicked off its Capital Campaign Monday morning setting a goal of raising $1 million towards the cost of a $2 million facility to be built next year. The Fisher House foundation has challenged the Wright-Patterson to raise half of the cost. On hand for the kickoff were retired Lt. Gen. Dick Reynolds, former commander of Aeronautical Systems Center: Maj. Gen. Curtis M. Bedke, commander of Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson; Col....


Sharon Ricklic's class gets another accolade.

Sharon Ricklic's fifth grade class at York Elementary School in New Philadelphia, Ohio has another news story about their efforts to become more involved and learn more about their country. This is the class that all ordered HeroBracelets in the name of a local Fallen Hero and presented his parents with a pair of silver HeroBracelets. Sharon Ricklic’s class gets another accolade.<


Soldiers Angels

If you have a minute, check out Soldiers Angels. They are an organization that sends care packages to the deployed troops. They do a lot of good and they could certainly use your help. Learn more here about what you can do. http://soldiersangels.org/index.php?page=submit-a-soldier<


News from The Advisor 1.

The Advisor is a email newsletter sent to us by Joseph Bartasius with the US Army Public Affairs Office. I've pulled some of the pieces out of the newsletter for this site. There are a lot of very interesting stories that you never seem to see anywhere. I'll pull more stories as time goes on. If you'd like to get the newsletter emailed to you, write us and we'll make sure you get on the list. ---------- Concerned Local Citizens find weapons cache south of Baghdad AL BUAYTHA – Coalition forces...


HeroBracelets.org on Huffington

James Moore, writer and political corespondent recently wrote about HeroBracelets in a posting on www.huffingtonpost.com. We thank him for his interest in HeroBracelets.org. You can see the original posting HERE. ------------- Called to the Colors There is a place you can go to feel the war in Iraq. You can't experience it living in everyday America. We are shopping and playing golf and watching soap operas and complaining about the price of gas but we don't feel this war. Those of us who don...


Sterling Silver HeroBracelets now available.

We're VERY proud to finally be able to offer sterling silver HeroBracelets. It's taken a very long time to be able to offer these very special silver memorial bracelets, silver deployed bracelets and silver Purple Heart bracelets. We've even got a sterling silver dogtag. The new sterling silver bracelets are completely made by hand from the finest 925 sterling silver. They are formed and shaped by hand and each letter in the custom bracelet is individually hand stamped. Inside each bracelet...


A better Memorial bracelet.

Dear HeroBracelets.org, I had ordered a memorial bracelet a few months back from another website and, while I was happy to have the memorial bracelet, I was unhappy with the way it was made. The aluminum was thin and had rough edges. As it got beat up, I started looking for a better memorial bracelet and found HeroBracelets.org. I'm now very happy with the memorial bracelet I received. It's made of a much better quality, the edges are not rough and it's quite comfortable. Thank you HeroBracel...



When I was a teenager, my best friend invited me to sing Christmas carols with her church youth group. The youth group's minister had a list of shut-ins and our mission that night was to stop in front of as many houses as possible, and belt out Jingle Bells, Silent Night and a few other favorites before movingon. To me, it was an opportunity to have a night out with my friends, dress in my coolest clothes and have hot chocolate together when it was over. It wasn't going to take a whole l...


Letter to her son, Sgt. David Alan Ruhren.

June 2, 2005 Hi Handsome, Garfield wants me to do a little speech about you. To tell everyone a little bit about - what a great guy you are. I know your thinking - great - As you're putting on the famous David Alan smirk &amp; just shrugging your shoulders My mom is going to speak about me &amp; given the fact she's been such a basket case these days - she's going to make this an emotional wreck. She'll have people crying in the aisles !! But you know what Davey - it's Ok I'll reframe from te...