Hero Stories for POW Bracelets

Brians Journey Back.

Kirby, the loving 10-year-old border collie-Labrador, licked Army Sgt. Brian Radke's reconstructed right hand, the one with the missing index finger. Maybe dog saliva will help, Radke said Tuesday. After 71 surgeries over 26 months, the wounded soldier and former Vancouver high school football hero is home in Hazel Dell for Christmas and doing well. He walks with a limp but talks straight, spreading gratitude, compassion and good humor, despite five pieces of shrapnel still floating in his br...


More Fisher House news.

The Fisher House at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base kicked off its Capital Campaign Monday morning setting a goal of raising $1 million towards the cost of a $2 million facility to be built next year. The Fisher House foundation has challenged the Wright-Patterson to raise half of the cost. On hand for the kickoff were retired Lt. Gen. Dick Reynolds, former commander of Aeronautical Systems Center: Maj. Gen. Curtis M. Bedke, commander of Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson; Col....


Sharon Ricklic's class gets another accolade.

Sharon Ricklic's fifth grade class at York Elementary School in New Philadelphia, Ohio has another news story about their efforts to become more involved and learn more about their country. This is the class that all ordered HeroBracelets in the name of a local Fallen Hero and presented his parents with a pair of silver HeroBracelets. Sharon Ricklic’s class gets another accolade.<


Soldiers Angels

If you have a minute, check out Soldiers Angels. They are an organization that sends care packages to the deployed troops. They do a lot of good and they could certainly use your help. Learn more here about what you can do. http://soldiersangels.org/index.php?page=submit-a-soldier<


News from The Advisor 1.

The Advisor is a email newsletter sent to us by Joseph Bartasius with the US Army Public Affairs Office. I've pulled some of the pieces out of the newsletter for this site. There are a lot of very interesting stories that you never seem to see anywhere. I'll pull more stories as time goes on. If you'd like to get the newsletter emailed to you, write us and we'll make sure you get on the list. ---------- Concerned Local Citizens find weapons cache south of Baghdad AL BUAYTHA – Coalition forces...