Hero Stories for bracelet

HeroBracelets program pays tribute to the fallen

Mary Wildes put on a HeroBracelet before her son, 18-year-old Pfc. Matthew Wildes, deployed to Iraq last May, but for some reason Mary could not take the bracelet off. Wildes said she was going to take the bracelet off when Matthew returned from Iraq, but Wildes never got that chance. Wildes saw her son when he took his leave in August, only 23 days before a roadside bomb killed Matthew in Iraq. HeroBracelets offers Gold Star families a way to remember, and Wildes recently received her bracel...


My copper HeroBracelet.

The copper bracelet is a great reminder (not that I need any), and rugged. After all, it has to go through a year, just like me. We will be placing another order for my friend. Connie Ehm


Sarah Palin wearing her Deployed HeroBracelet

[caption id="attachment_3259" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Sarah Palin wearing her Deployed HeroBracelet at a recent event."][/caption] In some recent photo's of Sarah Palin, we noticed she's wearing her Deployed HeroBracelet bearing her son's name, Track Paliin. Track is serving in the Middle East right now. Back in 2008, we had heard that both Sarah Palin's son and now Vice President Joseph Biden's son were heading off on deployements, so we made them both a set of Deployed HeroB...


About IAVA

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) is the voice of the 21st century veteran. Founded in June 2004, IAVA is the nation's first and largest non-partisan, nonprofit supporting veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and their families. IAVA has thousands of active member veterans and more than 120,000 grassroots supporters nationwide. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are in their sixth and seventh years respectively. More than 1.8 million American troops have served in Iraq or ...


Aviators answer Afghan teacher's call for help

Sgt. Matthew West said he didn't know what to think when a rock came flying at him while guarding his Black Hawk helicopter at a landing zone on Camp Kiwi in central Afghanistan's Bamyan provin


Haiti native heads home to help

Sgt. Maj. Jean Chouloute was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and lived in Saint-Marc until he was about 11. Although he moved away, he still has family living in Port-au-Prince, and like the rest of the world, the events that have unfolded in Haiti have held his rapt attenti


My Hero. SSgt. Charles Clayton Mitts, Texas Army National Guard, Desert Storm / Operation Iraqi Freedom

SSgt. Charles Clayton Mitts, Texas Army National Guard, Desert Storm / Operation Iraqi Freedom Charles Clayton Mitts SSG CHARLES CLAYTON MITTS passed away at 8:56 pm Wednesday evening due to injuries received during a Blackhawk helicopter crash on January 12, 2009.Charles is survuved by his very loving wife Kristi. Following the services, Charlie will be buried at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery. Charlie led two professional lives and excelled at both. As a soldier, Charlie started his militar...


Great soldier bracelets.

I want to thank you for my new custom Soldier Bracelets. They look great and fit perfectly. My longtime friend, Aaron Mitchell is in the Army and currently in Iraq. I ordered your bracelets for his parents, his siter and for me. They were all pretty thrilled to get them and we’ve all vowed to wear them till he comes home. We’re thinking of making a chain of all the bracelets for him when he gets home. I get to talk to email him once in a while and told him about us all wearing his name on our...


A Christmas Tree for my boys in Afghanistan.

[caption id="attachment_2833" align="alignright" width="188" caption="Christmas Tree sent to soldiers in Afghanistan"][/caption] My son and several adopted sons are in Afghanistan with the Georgia National Guard  48th Brigade 1/121st Infantry. This is their 2nd deployment the 1st being in Iraq. I have sent him a Christmas tree in anticipation of Christmas and being able to enjoy the Christmas spirit a little. Each deployment I have had friends help donate items and we have literally sent them...


HeroBracelets to expand fund raising.

We've VERY proud to be able to expand out fund raising process. Currently, we send $2.00 from each HeroBracelet sold to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund or $2.00 to the Military Order of the Purple Heart on Purple Heart HeroBracelet orders. We have just been in contact with BlueStarFam.org (Blue Star Families) and GoldStarMoms.com (American Gold Star Mothers). Very soon, you will be able to select which organization you would like the donation made to when you ord