Hero Stories for bracelet

Aluminum band commemorates fallen soldiers

Web-posted Saturday, January 1, 2005 Military bracelet sells well Aluminum band commemorates fallen soldiers By Brandi Grissom The Associated Press AUSTIN - A message from a stranger hundreds of miles away nearly brought Kristi Mann to tears. On a Web site memorializing Mann's brother-in-law who died in Iraq in 2003, someone in Florida wrote: "Today I received a bracelet with James Powell's name engraved on it. I will wear it with pride, remembering always that he died for me. HE IS NOT FORGO...


Early HeroBracelets story

America Supports You: Bracelets Honor Fallen Troops By Steven Donald Smith American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, April 19, 2005 – Chris Greta launched HeroBracelets.org as a way to pay respect to fallen servicemembers and to raise funds for the families left behind. The black aluminum "HeroBracelets" are each engraved with the name of an American servicemember who has died in the war on terrorism. The bracelets can be customized to adorn a specific name. Greta owns a small ad agency in Au...


CNN story on HeroBracelets.org

Fallen Heroes; Day Three of Iraq Speeches for Bush; Arthur Winston Retires On 100th Birthday Aired March 22, 2006 - 13:30 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. KYRA PHILLIPS, CNN ANCHOR: Let's take a listen to just a few moments ago. The president's been continuing this speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, another point he's making for his war in Iraq. We just want to listen to some of the Q&A for just a second. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) GEORGE W...


Proud of our Memorial Bracelets.

We ordered two of your memorial bracelets last week and they arrived the other day. We're very happy with them. We didnt know anyone serving, but we wanted to show our respects to those who have died, so your random memorial bracelets were perfect. Thank you for what you're doing and for giving us a chance to memorialize these two brave soldiers. Russel and Tina Otero Oklahoma City,


Thank you for the Marine Bracelets.

Dear HeroBracelets, Want to thank you for the beautiful bracelets. We’ve been looking for custom Deployed Marine bracelets for a while and found several websites that offered something similar, but we thought the price was too high or the bracelets were flimsy. Then we found HeroBracelets and knew this was the right place. The bracelets were better looking and a better price than others we found. AND it’s really nice to know we’re helping to support the Fallen Heroes Fund. Dont know how you c...


A humbling experience.

I received my Hero Bracelets in the mail this afternoon and was totally unprepared for the impact they were going to have on me. I spent the next two hours on the computer reading first about the soldiers on my bracelets, and then about so many others that have been lost. It has been an incredibly humbling evening for me, and one that has reinforced my undying gratitude to our service men and women. Thank you for doing your part to help ease the heart ache of the families that have paid a mu...


This made our day.

(Today, we were updating the KIA database from the DOD. Not something we ever look forward to, but something we need to do nonetheless. Then, when opening email this morning, we came across this letter from a HeroBracelets wearer from Florida. It brought into perspective what we're doing here and what can happen when people decide to do something kind for a stranger. It really made our day and we're proud to share it with you.) -------------------------- I recently received an email about the...


Great soldier bracelets.

I want to thank you for my new custom Soldier Bracelets. They look great and fit perfectly. My longtime friend, Aaron Mitchell is in the Army and currently in Iraq. I ordered your bracelets for his parents, his siter and for me. They were all pretty thrilled to get them and we’ve all vowed to wear them till he comes home. We’re thinking of making a chain of all the bracelets for him when he gets home. I get to talk to email him once in a while and told him about us all wearing his name on our...


Memorial Bracelets to honor an old friend.

I lost a friend back in college when he was killed in Vietnam. I haven't forgotten about him and I saw a news story on Hero Bracelets. I decided to order a memorial bracelet from you to honor him. I'm very happy I did Allie Hux


A lost HeroBracelet

I found this on the www.strykernews.com website today. Mike Gilbert of The News Tribune is allowing us to re-print this entry from his site in the hope that the rightful owner of this bracelet can be located. Mike's email is mike.gilbert@thenewstribune.com. Allie Krizmanich of Raleigh, N.C., is hoping the readers might be able to help. She was in Chicago this week for work and during her off time, went to the beach on the shores of Lake Michigan. There, sticking out of the sand, was one of th...