Hero Stories for navy bracelet

Barack Obama wearing a Memorial Bracelet

Barack Obama wearing a Memorial Bracelet We heard from several people that Barak Obama is wearing a HeroBracelet. We’ve not seen it up close, but it does look like a HeroBracelet. This was on the Fox News Web site. —————– Barack Obama is wearing a wristband in memory of a soldier killed in Iraq, given to him by a mother who said she wants the Democratic presidential candidate to keep others from dying. Tracy Jopek of Merrill, Wis., gave Obama the bracelet at a rally Friday night in Green Bay,...


Great soldier bracelets.

I want to thank you for my new custom Soldier Bracelets. They look great and fit perfectly. My longtime friend, Aaron Mitchell is in the Army and currently in Iraq. I ordered your bracelets for his parents, his siter and for me. They were all pretty thrilled to get them and we’ve all vowed to wear them till he comes home. We’re thinking of making a chain of all the bracelets for him when he gets home. I get to talk to email him once in a while and told him about us all wearing his name on our...


My Heroes Are People I Have Never Met.

I became a volunteer/supporter with Adopt A Platoon several years ago. By exchanging letters, e-mails and photos, I have had the opportunity to get to know some of the men and women who serve our country. I will probably never meet them face to face. Their serve our country because of their profound patriotism and love for what we cherish in America - our Freedom. They don’t consider themselves Heroes, but they are all Heroes to me. I always ask my adopted Soldiers if there is anything t...


Obama Wears Bracelet Given to Him by Mother of Soldier Killed in Iraq.

Obama Wears Bracelet Given to Him by Mother of Soldier Killed in Iraq Sunday , February 17, 2008 Barack Obama is wearing a wristband in memory of a soldier killed in Iraq, given to him by a mother who said she wants the Democratic presidential candidate to keep others from dying. Tracy Jopek of Merrill, Wis., gave Obama the bracelet at a rally Friday night in Green Bay, and Obama was still wearing it Saturday as he campaigned across the state before Tuesday’s primary. The bracelet has her son...


Introducing a special series on grieving.

Dale Goldstein is a friend and licensed psychotherapist. Since 1981 he has managed Heartwork. It's a series of workshops and retreats that genuinely transform people. I've seen how powerful his workshops are through many close friends who have been through them. He's also just written a book called Heartwork: How to get what you really, REALLY want. Because so many who've written to HeroBracelets.org are dealing with grief, either from the loss of a loved one or dealing with their long abs...


In memory of SPC Irving E. Medina.

SPC Irving E. Medina, Army, Operation Iraqi Freedom "It doesn't take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle." General Norman H. Schwarkopf, Retired. Irving Medina was born in Mexico City, Mexico on July 14,1981, a few minutes before his twin brother Ivan. Irving Medina, an army specialist, died in Iraq on November 14, 2003, at the age of 22. When the boys were four years old, their father left for the United States in the hope of improving...


Wonderful memorial.

Dear HeroBracelets, We ordered a pair of your memorial bracelets last week and they arrived yesterday. I have to say, we were both genuinely moved when we took them out of the package and put them on. We don't know anyone who has fought in the war, but we felt we wanted to show how much we support and care for those who are fighting. We've made several donations to military family support organizations and while researching them, we came across your memorial bracelet web site. The bracelets a...


Remembering Specialist Marisol Heredia.

In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, when you look up the words "courage", "strength", and "determination" you will find the following: COURAGE : mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty STRENGTH 1: the quality or state of being strong : capacity for exertion or endurance DETERMINATION 3 a: the act of deciding definitely and firmly; also : the result of such an act of decision b: firm or fixed intention to achieve a desired end <a woman of gre...


Rembering a Hero. SSG Christopher S. Kiernan

SSG Christopher S. Kiernan was killed in action 5/6/07, my husband SSG Chris Kiernan served 17 years, 9 months and 3 days in the Army. His time in the service took him to Germany, Bosnia, Somolia, Haiti, Dessert Storm, Iraq, Katrina relief and back to Iraq. Chris's MOS was 19K, a tank commander on a M1A2 Abrahms tank. We were married 12/29/2001. It seem like such a short time, and living without him has been extremely tough, and sad. Most people never experience the kind of love and marria...


My son, my hero. LCPL Orin M. Santini

I would first like to thank all of you for the work that you are doing!! I ordered bracelets for my family as soon as I heard about them. My son, LCPL Orin M. Santini, is a 21 year old Marine. Orin joined the Marines when he was 17 and left for boot camp shortly after he graduated from high school, in Cody, Wy. Seeing your son leave, knowing that he could go to war, and knowing that it was entirely his choice, is one of the hardest things a mother will ever go through. My son has trained...